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Contra Trading

A trading method whereby traders take advantage of the delay in settlement- i.e., the period of three days (known as...

Call Auction Market

An order-driven market in which orders are parked for execution at a single clearing price. The auction mechanism is based...

Child Order

An individual suborder or a slice of a parent order that is worked and executed independently across a time horizon and according to a...

Contra Profit

The positive difference between the selling price and initial purchase price of a stock (stocks) in a contra transaction (contra trading). Stocks...

Conditional Order

Any type of order that is associated with a trigger condition (trigger point/points) in addition to the trading price, quantities and expiration...

Contra Loss

The negative difference between the selling price and initial purchase price of a stock (stocks) in a contra transaction (contra...

Call Market

A marketplace in which trading takes place at certain points in time (discrete time intervals), i.e., when the market is...

Cross Trade

A transaction (trade) that is executed on the floor of an exchange by just one broker who simultaneously acts both...

Crossed Trade

An illegal and prohibited practice by which a broker offsets buy and sell orders without reporting the trade to the...