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Cabinet Trade

A transaction/ trade in an inactive security (bond, stock, etc.) These securities are not traded often, and as such, there...

Contingent Order

An order (buy or sell order) that is placed by a customer determining that it will consist of two transactions...

Contingent Trade Order

An order (buy or sell order) that is placed by a customer determining that it will consist of two transactions...

Continuous Market

A market where trading takes place on an ongoing basis. For example, a market order placed in a continuous market...

Contra Gain

The positive difference between the selling price and initial purchase price of a stock (stocks) in a contra transaction (contra...

Contra Period

In relation to contra trading, it refers to the period of time (grace period) within which traders do not need...

Contra Liquidity

The opposite side of a trade (usually in relation to a block trade). Essentially, brokers or broker-dealers help market participants...

Cloaked Order

A trading order that is entered by market participants via computerized market systems (screen trading) as a bid or offer...

Cost of Carry

The difference between the financing cost of an asset/ investment (e.g., a security) and its cash yield. In other words,...


The difference between the financing cost of an asset/ investment (e.g., a security) and its cash yield. In other words,...