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Step-Up Security

A hybrid debt instrument (having the geatures of both debt and equity) that pays a fixed coupon or a specific…

Step-Up Puttable Security

A type of a step-up coupon security which gives the holder a put option at each step-up point over the…

Commodity Product Spread

A spread that involves two related commodities: a primary (raw or unprocessed) commodity and one of its byproducts. In other…

Step-Down Puttable Security

A type of a step-down coupon security which gives the holder a put option at each step-down point over the…

Substitution Swap

A bond swap that enails swapping substitute bond issues experiencing short-tem imbalances in yield spreads. The imbalance will correct itself…

PT Fixed-Strike Lookback Option

A fixed strike lookback option in which the lookback period (partial time- PT) starts at a preset date after the…

Static Spread

The spread that would be realized over the whole risk-free spot rate curve if a given risky security such as…

Preference Equity Redemption Cumulative Stock (PERCS)

An equity derivative (specifically an equity buy-write structure) that involves a mandatory conversion preferred stock (it resembles both convertible bonds…

Up-and-Out Put

An up-and-out option that is deactivated if the price of the underlying exceeds a preset level. The outstrike (barrier price)…

Call Turbo Certificate

A turbo certificate that aims to bet on price increases. The participation in the upward movement of the underlying will…