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Currency Convertible

A bond that is issued in one currency giving the holder the option, often at discretion, to receive repayment of…

Callable Preferred Stock

A preferred stock that is subject to redemption. This hybrid preferred stock may provide for the right of the issuer…

Unidades de Inversion Swap

An interest rate swap in which one leg is a fixed rate referenced to the UDI index (or the Unidades…

Chooser Range Note

A structured note that allows the investor to set a range at the start of each coupon period so that…

Unmargined Spread

An option spread in which the short option leg is margined separately as a naked option. Investors choose this setting…

Chooser Note

A structured note that allows the investor to set a range at the start of each coupon period so that…

Undated Forward

A forward contract that grants the seller the option to defer delivery to a specific date in the future rather…

Call Deferment

The period of time during which a bond (callable bond) cannot be called by the issuer. This period varies according…

Unmatched Swap

An interest rate swap or cross-currency swap which is not matched by an offsetting/ mirror swap or other financial asset…


A sensitivity measure for options and other derivatives which calculates the change in gamma in response to the passage of…