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Calculation Agent

The party that is charged with the task of calculating the amounts payable under a swap agreement or the value…

Treasury Note Futures

A futures contract in which the underlying is a treasury note. This contract is mainly used by investors seeking to…

Capital Index Bond

An instrument which is used to link the cash flows from a bond to an inflation index. In this bond,…

Treasury Note Futures Option

A futures option, usually traded on the CBOT, which gives the holder the right to enter into a futures contract…

Capital Dividend

A dividend that is paid out of paid-in capital rather than from current net profits or retained earnings. Unlike, stock…

Treasury Rate Index Principal Swap

An index principal swap in which the floating rate leg is based on the treasury bill auction rate (usually the…

Sushi Bond

A Eurodollar bond (foreign bond) that is issued by Japanese corporations on the Japanese bond market for Japanese investors. In…

Capped Style Call

A capped option that constitutes a long call position in which a cap is placed on the maximum payout of…

Samurai Bond

A yen-denominated bond which is issued in Japan by a non-domiciled (foreign) borrower. This type of foreign bond is mainly…

Cornering the Market

A trading irregularity which constitutes an illegal practice where a group of investors takes an influential long position in futures,…