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CDO Tranche Spread

The spread that relates to the tranche of a CDO (collateralized debt obligation), in a securitized structure. The CDO tranche...

Bull Vertical Spread

A vertical spread with a bullish outlook. There are two main bull vertical spread strategies: the bull call spread and...

Tranche Spread

A fraction of the total collateral pool (pool of underlying collateral in a securitized structure). It represents the amount of...

Bear Call Spread

An option strategy whereby a number of call options are bought at a certain exercise price and an equal number...

Bear Call

An alternative term for a bear call spread, which is an option strategy whereby a number of call options are...

Bear Call Ratio Backspread

A variant on call ratio backspread which involves selling a number of lower strike call options and buying a larger...

Spread-Adjusted Note

A debt instrument that bears a base rate fixed or linked to a sovereign rate (Treasury rate) and a specific…

CMO Floater

A floater that involves a short position in a strip of caps over the life of collateralized motgage obligation (CMO)…

CB Stripping

The process of breaking up a convertible bond (CB) into two structured products: an asset swap (credit component) and a…

Step-Up Security

A hybrid debt instrument (having the geatures of both debt and equity) that pays a fixed coupon or a specific…