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Commodity Product Spread

A spread that involves two related commodities: a primary (raw or unprocessed) commodity and one of its byproducts. In other…

Static Spread

The spread that would be realized over the whole risk-free spot rate curve if a given risky security such as…

Unmargined Spread

An option spread in which the short option leg is margined separately as a naked option. Investors choose this setting…

Cash Bond Spread

The spread that would be realized over the whole risk-free spot rate curve if a given risky security such as…

Put Ratio Backspread

It is a volatile options strategy, a variant on a ratio backspread (specifically a credit spread), which is the exact...

Put Diagonal Calendar Spread

A diagonal calendar spread (or a calendar diagonal spread) which constitutes an option trading strategy based on the selling of...

Put Ratio Spread

Another name for a bear ratio spread which is a variant on a bear put spread, and a strategy similar...

Intercommodity Spread

A spread whose long and short legs are two different markets. However, the markets are usually related. The intercommodity spread...

Intermarket Spread

A spread whose long and short legs are two different markets. However, the markets are usually related. The intermarket spread...

Interdelivery Spread

A futures or option trading technique that involves buying a contract with a given expiration or delivery month and selling...