A rent or wage amount or consideration (ujrah or ajr) that is determined by an arbitrator or judge (if disputed),...
A type of ahliyyah (أهلية) which refers to a person's capability to enjoy legal rights and assume responsibilities. By default,...
A type of ahliyyah (أهلية) which refers to a person's capability to enjoy legal rights and assume responsibilities. By default,...
Arabic (أهلية) for legal capacity. A term that describes a person's fitness or capacity to undertake or perform something (an...
Right spelling: ahliyyat al-wujub; a type of ahliyyah (أهلية) which refers to a person's capability to enjoy legal rights and...
A type of ahliyyah (أهلية) which refers to a person's capability to enjoy legal rights and assume responsibilities. By default,...
Arabic (خلطة) for mixing (pooling) of a number of shari'ah-compliant asset classes in securitization (tasnid/ taskik) or capital structure. Examples of khultah in securitization include...
A non-compensatory contract (in Arabic, aqd tabarru) in which a property is donated by one party to another against no...
One of the essential modes of profit/loss-sharing in Islamic finance, which is based on the concurrence of capital providers (called...
A legal entity (such as corporate entity, limited partnership, trust, etc.) that is formed for the sole purpose of achieving...