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Ba’i al-Juzaf

The sale of a measurable, countable, or weighable commodity without determining its quantity, number of units, or weight. This usually...

Ba’i al-Baraah

Arabic (بيع البراءة)  for sale on 'as is' basis. It is a contract of sale (ba’i), in which a person...

Moderate Gharar

A type or degree of gharar that is a mid-range between excessive gharar (gharar fahish) and minor gharar (gharar yasir/...

Gharar Mutawassit

A type or degree of gharar that is a mid-range between excessive gharar (gharar fahish) and minor gharar (gharar yasir/...

Gharar Mutawasset

A type or degree of gharar that is a mid-range between excessive gharar (gharar fahish) and minor gharar (gharar yasir/...

Shari’ah Index Screening Methodology

The criteria and guidelines that are used by shari'a-compliant equity indexes to verify that their stocks meet the screening requirements...

Shari’ah Screening of Shares

In principle, shari'ah permits investment and trading in equities (shares of stock). However, shari'ah excludes the shares of companies that...

Minor Gharar

A small amount of gharar (also gharar qalil or gharar yasir/ gharar yaseer) that cannot be avoided due to the nature of the...

Islamic Finance Window

An entity that operates as part of another entity (a conventional financial institution such as a bank) solely for provision...


An entity that operates as part of another entity (a conventional financial institution such as a bank) solely for provision...