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Absolute Risk

The volatility of an asset's absolute return (i.e., its return measured irrespective of a benchmark rate) as opposed to its...

Absolute Risk Aversion

A metric (risk aversion) that measures the absolute amount of money or resources an investor is willing to expose to...

Market Risk

An entity's exposure to adverse variations in costs and/ or returns as a result of "unfavorable" changes in market rates/...

Absolute Market Risk

An entity's exposure to adverse variations in costs and/ or returns as a result of "unfavorable" changes in market rates/...

Default Intensity

The probability of default for a certain time period, provided that no earlier default has occurred up to that point....


A technique used to test how well (or badly) the Value at Risk (VaR) estimates would have performed using historical...

Rate of Return Risk

With respect to unrestricted investment account (URIA) holders, it is the risk facing an Islamic bank or financial institution (IFI)...


A futures trading strategy in which a position is established by buying a series of quarterly delivery contracts falling due...

Funding Risk

The risk (a form of basis risk) that is caused by unanticipated losses or costs arising from a mismatch between...

Redemption Risk

The risk of loss that is caused the exit of investors from a mutual fund or investment pool. This risk...