In relation to bonds, it is the risk (a type of interest rate risk) that the reinvestment rate will drop...
The possible danger of loss that long-term hedgers face when reinvesting in more distant futures contracts as they retire near-month...
It stands for displaced commercial risk; a risk exposure, in Islamic banks and financial institutions (IFIs), whereby the institution attempts...
A risk exposure, in Islamic banks and financial institutions (IFIs), whereby the institution attempts to remain competitive and withstand commercial...
A type of portfolio risk that measures the likelihood that the actual return on the portfolio would drop below a...
It stands for the risk associated with credit value adjustment; it constitutes part of x-value adjustments (XVA). By definition, it...
A type of risk that affects the valuation of a derivative (specifically, credit-value adjustment or CVA). This risk consists of...
A type of credit risk exposure that involves a position in an instrument associated with a specific risk that arises...
The danger (risk) that some unexpected event will take place and increase the credit risk of an issuer, hence badly...
Trading that involves less risky or riskless securities or secure trading positions. This usually initiates with dumping of risky securities...