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Commodity Price Risk

A type of risk, particularly financial risk, that affects an entity's financial performance/ profitability as a result of fluctuations in...

Pipeline Risk

In relation to a mortgage/ mortgage pipeline, it constitutes the risks associated with a potential decline (rejection) of the mortgage...

Mortgage Pipeline Risk

In relation to a mortgage/ mortgage pipeline, it constitutes the risks associated with a potential decline (rejection) of the mortgage...

Fallout Risk

A type of risk that reflects the probability of a prospective borrower may fail to fulfill its mortgage loan obligations....

Upside Risk

A type of risk that represents all financial losses that may arise from uncertain possibility of gain/ profit. It is...

Downside Risk

A type of risk (financial risk) that arises from potential losses to an investment/ position/ holding/ asset, etc. Regardless of...

Money Settlement Asset

An asset which carries little or no credit risk or liquidity risk and is used to settle payment obligations arising...

Settlement Risk

The risk, in a financial transaction, that reflects a counterparty's failure to deliver a security or its monetary value (or...

Op Risk

An abbreviated form for operational risk; a type of risk that reflects deficiencies in an entity's internal controls or systems,...

Operational Risk

A type of risk that reflects deficiencies in an entity's internal controls or systems, flawed processes, human error or management...