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Financial Risk: Examples

Financial risk is a type of risk that reflects all negative factors/ developments that can lead to financial losses to...

Non-Financial Risk: Examples

Non-financial risk is a type of risk that is not financial in nature. It constitutes all types of risk other...

Difference Between VaR and CVaR

Value at risk (VaR) is a measure of the risk of loss associated with an investment/ a portfolio/ a firm,...

Risk Measure vs. Risk Metric

A risk measure is a tool (mathematical, statistical, etc.) that is used to assess and determine the amount of risk...

Difference Between Risk Measure and Risk Metric

A risk measure is a tool (mathematical, statistical, etc.) that is used to assess and determine the amount of risk...

Endogenous Risk: Examples

Endogenous risk is a category of financial risk that arises from the interaction of market participants. It is created endogenously...

Difference Between Credit Risk and Counterparty Credit Risk

Credit risk is the danger of financial loss that arises from the possibility that borrowers in ordinary business dealings and...

Estimating Default Probabilities Using Credit Spreads

One of the most popular proxies of credit spread is the CDS-bond basis, which captures the excess of the CDS...