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Depreciated Replacement Cost

The depreciated replacement cost of an asset is the current replacement cost of the asset, less accumulated depreciation (computed on...

Replacement Cost of a Derivative

The present value of the expected future net cash flows of a derivative. This value captures the current credit exposure...


It stands for current replacement cost; the amount that is required to replace an existing (active) swap in the event a...

Current Replacement Cost

The amount that is required to replace an existing (active) swap in the event a counterparty to the swap is unable to...

Current Replacement Cost

The amount for which an asset could be replaced with another that has identical service potential (useful life, features, etc.)....

Value To The Business

An asset evaluation method that builds on the assumption that the value of an asset can be measured in terms...

Value To The Owner

An asset evaluation method that builds on the assumption that the value of an asset can be measured in terms...

Deprival Value

It is often known as value to the owner or value to the business. By definition, it is an asset...