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Historical Cost

The cash equivalent price that was paid to acquire an asset or service on a specific date. This cost includes,...

Exit Value Method

An accounting method for determining the fair value of an asset or liability by using current exit value or expected...

Exit Value

A measure of value that represents the value obtained (i.e., the price received) from selling an asset (or broadly an...

Entry Value

A measure of value that represents the value transferred or surrendered (i.e., the price paid) to purchase an asset (or...


The written down value (WDV) of an asset is its current replacement cost less accumulated depreciation. In general, this value...


The written down replacement cost (WDRC) of an asset is its current replacement cost less accumulated depreciation. In general, this...

Written Down Replacement Cost

The written down replacement cost of an asset is its current replacement cost less accumulated depreciation. In general, this value...

Written Down Replacement Value

The written down replacement value of an asset is its current replacement cost less accumulated depreciation. In general, this value...

Replacement Cost

The replacement cost of an asset is the cost that entity (broadly, the user) has to incur in order to...


It stands for depreciated replacement cost; the depreciated replacement cost of an asset is the current replacement cost of the...