A financial ratio that relates the stock price to the operating cash flow per share. In equation form, it is:...
A financial ratio that relates earnings per share (EPS) to the market value per ordinary share: Earnings yield = (EPS/P)...
It stands for earnings-price ratio; a financial ratio that relates earnings per share (EPS) to the market value per ordinary...
A financial ratio that relates earnings per share (EPS) to the market value per ordinary share: Earnings-price ratio = (EPS/P)...
A financial ratio that relates net income to the maximum number of common shares if all possibly dilutive stock options...
The option price sensitivity to a change in the price of its underlying. It represents the change in the price...
A financial ratio that is intended to provide information about a firm's solvency or liquidity over the long run, i.e.,...
A set of financial ratios that are used by Islamic market indices (such as Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices) to...
A financial ratio that relates the cost of goods sold to accounts receivable. This ratio is calculated by dividing the...
A liquidity and solvency ratio that probes a company's ability to pay the interest on its debt. It relates cash...