A ratio that relates losses incurred by an insurance firm to earned premiums (EPs) expressed as a percentage. Loss ratio...
A ratio relating a bank's capital to its risk-weighted assets (RWAs). The main forms of this ratio include tier-1 capital...
A ratio that relates tangible common equity (TCE) to tangible assets (TAs). It is used as a measure of an...
A ratio that relates tangible common equity (TCE) to tangible assets. It is used as a measure of an entity's...
A financial ratio that relates net income available to common shareholders (holders of common share/ common equity) by (average tangible...
A financial ratio that relates net income available to common shareholders (holders of common share/ common equity) by (average tangible...
A profitability ratio that relates the return from an entity's common equity (CE) to the amount paid against ownership (holding)...
It stands for return on common equity; a profitability ratio that relates the return from an entity's common equity (CE)...
A profitability ratio that relates the return from an entity's common equity (CE) to the amount paid against ownership (holding)...
The smallest or minimum price increment (tick) in which the prices of tradable securities (investments, stocks, bonds, futures, etc.) are...