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Effective Tick Size

The tick size for a security trading on an exchange that meets the criteria of effectiveness. It is a ratio...

Tick-To-Price Ratio

A ratio that measures the effective tick size (tick size) for a security trading on an exchange. It is calculated...

Expense Ratio

The ratio of a mutual fund's assets (resources) required to cover its annual operating expenses and management fees (to its...

Management Expense Ratio

A distinct set of investment costs (mutual fund expenses) that an investor is expected to incur on an annual basis....


It stands for management expense ratio; a distinct set of investment costs (mutual fund expenses) that an investor is expected...

Stability Ratio

Also a DdeltaDvol. It is a tool that measures the changes in delta resulting from changes in volatility levels. Delta,...

Odd-Lot Short Sale Ratio

A technical market indicator that involves relative odd-lot short trading by small investors. This ratio relates odd-lot short sales over...

Short Interest Ratio

The ratio that relates short interest to the average daily volume over a given period of time (typically 30 days)....

Price-To-Book Ratio

A financial ratio that relates the stock price to the book value per share. In other words: A high price-to-book...

Price-To-Sales Ratio

A financial ratio in which the stock price is divided by the sales revenue per share. Specifically: A high price-to-sales...