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Offering Price

The price at which mutual fund shares are offered to the investing public. This price is equal to the net...

Flexi-Cap Mutual Fund

A type of mutual fund that has the flexibility to invest anywhere in the market: fund managers can invest wherever...

Closet Indexing

An investment strategy whereby a mutual fund doesn't overtly declare that it operates as an index fund. The fund manager...

Flexicap Fund

A type of mutual fund that has the flexibility to invest anywhere in the market: fund managers can invest wherever...

Flexi-Cap Fund

A type of mutual fund that has the flexibility to invest anywhere in the market: fund managers can invest wherever...

Acres of Diamonds

An investment thesis that maintains that seeking to earn higher returns by holding global portfolios bears no fruits and is...

Beneficial Owner

An individual or company that enjoys the benefits of owning a mutual fund's share even though title is not registered...