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Redemption Risk

The risk of loss that is caused the exit of investors from a mutual fund or investment pool. This risk...

Mutual Fund

A financial vehicle (investment fund) that pools contributions from many- or large number of- investors for the purpose of investing...

Class “C” Shares

A category of mutual fund shares which carries a small front-end sales charge and small redemption fees, but a larger...

Class “B” Shares

A category of mutual fund shares which charges no load fee, but imposes a redemption fee which decreases over time...

Class “A” Shares

A category of mutual fund shares which carries a front-end sales charge and usually impose an annual distribution fee (i.e.,...

Multicap Fund

A category of mutual funds (equity funds) that can invest across all levels of market capitalization, segments, and industries without...

Multi-Cap Mutual Fund

A category of mutual funds (equity funds) that can invest across all levels of market capitalization, segments, and industries without...

Multi-Cap Fund

A category of mutual funds (equity funds) that can invest across all levels of market capitalization, segments, and industries without...

Sinking Ship

A mutual fund that suffers a substantial outflow of funds because of its weak investment management and performance. The situation...

Asked Price

The price at which mutual fund shares are offered to the investing public. This price is equal to the net...