A bill of exchange which is drawn on or by a bank, payable at some preset future date, to securitize…
It stands for the Arabic term arbun/arboon/urboun (عربون). It is the amount of money which is paid by a potential…
If the seller in a murabaha transaction manages to obtain, as a purchaser, a discount on the object of sale…
A murabaha transaction that is arranged with no deferral of payment. In this case, the seller only receives a mark-up…
A modern application of murabaha in which Islamic banks purchase shares upon request from clients and sells them on a...
An Arabic term for collateralization of cost-plus sale (murabaha); the process of securing murabaha by posting- or requiring the posting…
A murabaha transaction that involves an Islamic bank or financial institution purchasing shares through a client as agent and reselling…
In Arabic, it is originally known as a wa'ad ghair mulzim; a wa’ad (promise) in which the promisor (al-wa’ed) is...
A repricing of murabaha goods (murabaha inventory) which ensues default by the purchaser of such goods. This process involves increasing...
It stands for a non-binding murabaha to the purchase orderer; A non-binding MPO is a murabaha to the purchase orderer...