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Treasury Murabaha

The application of murabaha contract in managing a treasury's liquidity requirements and/ or investing its short-term surplus funds. It involves...

Syndicated Murabaha Financing Facility

A murabaha-based financing facility whereby funds for the purchase of the asset (commodities, durable assets, etc.) are provided by a…


The amounts which are due from an Islamic bank’s clients as a result of sale transactions that are based on…

Bargaining Sale

In Islamic finance, it refers to the selling of a commodity at an agreed upon price irrespective of the original…


In general, it refers to all sale transactions that are executed on a commercial basis (i.e., for the sake of…

Procrastination by a Solvent Murabaha Debtor

From a shari’a perspective, it is not permissible that a solvent debtor defaults on his debt or delays settlement (in...

Financial Murabaha

A sale contract that is used by Islamic banks and financial institutions acting as intermediaries in order to provide finance...

Islamic Monetization

Originally known in Arabic as tawarruq, it is a transaction whereby a person buys an asset/commodity from a seller on…

Dhimam Madinah

Arabic transliteration for receivables; the amounts which are due from an Islamic bank’s clients as a result of sale transactions…

Aqd al-Muawadha

Arabic (عقد المعاوضة) for compensatory contract (commutative contract) whereby one party receives compensation/ consideration (iwadh) from another party in return…