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Murabahah to the Purchase Orderer

A murabaha transaction wherein the Islamic bank purchases an asset/ commodity, upon the request of a customer, from a third-party...

Murabaha Syndication Transaction

A murabaha transaction between a purchaser and an investment agent (wakil bil istithmar) acting as mudarib or investment agent on...

Murabaha Commissions and Expenses

An Islamic bank or financial institution entering into a murabaha transaction as a financier (actually both as a seller and...

Murabaha lil Amer bil Shira

An Arabic term (المرابحة للآمر بالشراء) which translates as murabaha to the purchase orderer. It is a murabaha transaction wherein...

Waad Ghair Mulzim

An Arabic term (وعد غير ملزم) that translates as nonbinding promise; a wa’ad (promise) in which the promisor (al-wa’ed) is...

Waad Mulzim

An Arabic term (وعد ملزم) that translates into binding promise; a wa’ad (promise) in which the promisor (al-wa'ed) is under...

Bilateral Murabaha

A murabaha contract that is concluded on a bilateral basis, i.e., between a purchaser and a seller (usually a financial...

Ordinary Murabaha

A murabaha which involves two parties, a buyer and seller, where the former is a merchant by trade. The merchant...

Murabaha to the Purchase Orderer

A murabaha transaction whereby the Islamic bank (murabaha seller) purchases an asset/ commodity, upon the request of a customer (purchase...


Arabic (مرابحة) for an Islamic mode of trading and financing which constitutes an absolute sale, i.e. the sale of “asset...