A loan which is made between two corporations based in two different countries, but each has a subsidiary in the...
The interest rate which is set and used by banks and financial institutions as a basis for determining their lending...
A type of structured finance that involves the pooling of assets (or specific types of assets such as receivables) for...
A borrower's pledge of a property/ assets to a lender or creditor in order to secure repayment of a loan...
The pledging of an asset or property by a borrower to secure a bank loan, where a lender has the...
The use of an asset or property already pledged for one loan as collateral for another loan. For example, cross...
A security or right which is given to a creditor over a debtor's property without transfer of possession or title....
The pledging of a property by a debtor as collateral to secure a loan. Hypothecation doesn't transfer possession or title...
A type of high risk loan which is designed to facilitate lending secured by the borrower's equity in a home...
An abbreviation for home equity loan; a type of high risk loan which is designed to facilitate lending secured by...