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Legal Capacity Risk

A subcategory of legal risk that negatively impacts an entity's management or transactions for reasons relating to legal capacity. The...

Ultra Vires Risk

A subcategory of legal risk that negatively impacts an entity's management or transactions for reasons relating to legal capacity. The...

Legal Risk

A set of risks that negatively impacts an entity's management or transactions for reasons relating to legal capacity and regulatory...

Ahliyyah al-Ada

Arabic (أهلية الأداء) for active legal capacity or capacity of execution/ performance; a term that describes a person's fitness or...

Ahliyyat al-Ada

Arabic (أهلية الأداء) for active legal capacity or capacity of execution/ performance; a term that describes a person's fitness or...

Ahliyyah al-Wujoob

A type of ahliyyah (أهلية) which refers to a person's capability to enjoy legal rights and assume responsibilities. By default,...

Ahliyyat al-Wujoob

A type of ahliyyah (أهلية) which refers to a person's capability to enjoy legal rights and assume responsibilities. By default,...


Arabic (أهلية) for legal capacity. A term that describes a person's fitness or capacity to undertake or perform something (an...

Ahliyyah al-Wujub

Right spelling: ahliyyat al-wujub; a type of ahliyyah (أهلية) which refers to a person's capability to enjoy legal rights and...

Ahliyyat al-Wujub

A type of ahliyyah (أهلية) which refers to a person's capability to enjoy legal rights and assume responsibilities. By default,...