Arabic (زكاة المتربص) for zakah/ zakat that is to be paid by an expectant trader (in Arabic spelling, al-mutrabbis)- i.e.,...
The process of verification of the existence of illah/ effective cause (ratio legis) in an individual case, after having broadly...
The process of refining the basis of a ruling (hukm) by extracting the specific ruling from the text (nass) in...
The process of refining the basis of a ruling (hukm) by extracting the specific ruling from the text (nass) in...
In a contract of al-kafalah (or al-kifalah), it is the party who provides assurances as to the performance of an...
Also fatwa in Arabic. It is a religious decree, edict, or legal ruling which is issued by an Islamic scholar(s)...
Arabic (جهالة يسيرة) for a type of jahalah that denotes "minor or slight ignorance" of some aspect of a contract...
In Islamic finance, ju’ala (also spelled ju'alah), جعالة in Arabic script, is a contract whose subject matter is a work...
Also istihsan in Arabic; a doctrine of Islamic law (shari'a) that implies reconsidering an action, behavior, or practice that was...
A non-refundable deposit which is paid by a potential buyer to a seller, and whereby the former retains the right...