A type of guaranty (suretyship) that involves securing debts (duyun) and financial obligations (iltizamat maliyah). Kafalah bil mal can be...
A contract of guarantee/ suretyship which is used to provide assurance as to performance or liabilities. In other words, kafalah...
A noncommercial guarantee/ suretyship (kafalah shakhsiyah) which is used to secure commutative contracts (e.g. contracts of sale, contracts of rights,...
A type of guaranty (kafalah) that involves securing a person's physical presence at a specified place and time. It is...
A type of gharar (uncertainty) that arises if liability of any of the parties to a commutative contract (aqd mu’awadhah)...
A sale (bay') in which the seller has the right, as stipulated in the contract, to repurchase the underlying property...
The sale (bay') of a measurable, countable, or weighable commodity without determining its quantity, number of units, or weight. This...
Arabic (الغنم) for gain /reward/ benefit which can be realized only if recipient has already borne all the risks (mukhatarah)...
A transaction whereby a person buys an asset/commodity from a seller on the basis of deferred payment, and sells it...
A type of sale (ba’i) that involves the exchange of fresh fruits for dry ones, where the quantity of the...