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Profit Equalization Reserve

A reserve that is created by an Islamic bank by appropriating a specific amount out of the mudaraba income, before...

Profit Rate Swap

An Islamic swap that entails the exchange of a floating profit rate for a fixed profit rate, or vice versa....

Ba’i al-Mulamasah

A type of sale (ba’i) that was particularly popular in the days of early Islam and pre-Islam, where the buyer...


An Arabic term (الغرم) that literally denotes damage or loss (or a cost incurred). In a more specific context, it...


An Arabic term (الغرم) that literally denotes damage or loss (or a cost incurred). In a more specific context, it...

Bay al-Mubadalah

A type of sale (bay') that involves the exchange of one commodity for another without using a medium of exchange...


A mode of trading (mutajara) which involves the exchange of one asset for another without resorting to a medium of...

Islamic Currency Option

An Islamic finance treasury arrangement that an Islamic bank and a counterparty enter into for the purpose of foreign exchange...

Islamic Option

An Islamic finance alternative to option contracts (conventional options). By definition, it is a shari'ah compliant form of contract which...

Itihad Majlis al-Aqd

Arabic (اتحاد مجلس العقد) for unity of time and place of a contracting session (majlis al-aqd). That implies that both...