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Hibat al-Thawab

Arabic (هبة الثواب) for gift (hibah) conditional upon receipt of consideration (thawab). It is a gift intended to solicit some...


It is simply a “takaful of takaful” (insuring a takaful provider, per se, with takaful). It is the Islamic alternative...


An Arabic term that translates as moveable property, as opposed to immovable property (al-iqar); By definition, it is a property...


One of the secondary sources of shari'a which constitutes a unanimous agreement among most knowledgeable and highly qualified scholars who...

Uqud al-Ishtirak

Arabic (عقود الإشتراك) for contracts (uqud- plural of aqd) that entail sharing in ventures/ businesses and profits (ribh) through specific...

Riba al-Qardh

Arabic (ربا القرض) for riba associated with lending and borrowing (i.e., received in lending or paid in borrowing). It is...

Riba al-Yad

A type of riba (ربا) that arises in sale transactions (buyu') involving barter exchange (muqayadhah) of commodities belonging to the...

Islamic Option Contract

An Islamic finance alternative to option contracts (conventional options). By definition, it is a shari'ah compliant form of contract which...

Perpetual Subordinated Sukuk

A sukuk issue that has the features of both perpetual sukuk and subordinated sukuk. More specifically, the issue does not...

Tier-1 Capital Sukuk

A classification of sukuk that constitutes part of the first or core layer of a bank's capital (core capital), which,...