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Uqud Musammat

A class of contracts to which shari’a has assigned specific names and handled in details their respective rules and stipulations....


Generally, it refers to any game of chance, where the final result depends a random process or an uncertain event....


Arabic (حجر) for interdiction (of a person). It is a legal action preventing a person from disposing of his/her wealth....


One of the categories of maslaha or human needs that corresponds to basic necessities of life, including food, shelter, clothes,...


An Arabic word that carries the meaning of pretext, ploy, ruse, alleged reason, means, and so on. In Arabic script,...

Amwal Ribawiyah

Any kind of wealth or property (mal) that is inherently susceptible to riba. Traditionally, amwal ribawiyah (plural of mal ribawi)...


In general, it refers to all sources of damage, detriment, harm, or loss inflicted by an individual on others or...


Arabic (عرف) for customary practices; it refers to the norms, values, and customs of the majority of a society or...

Amwal Mithliyyah

Arabic (أموال مثلية) for fungible items; items (amwal- pl. of mal) that are mutually interchangeable, i.e., the units of which...


One of the categories of maslaha or human needs that corresponds to basic necessities of life, including food, shelter, clothes,...