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Uqud al-Muawadhat

Arabic (عقود المعاوضات) for commutative contracts (contracts of exchange). A type of contracts (uqud- plural of aqd) whereby ownership is...

Uqud al-Hifz

Arabic (عقود الحفظ) for a category of contracts (uqud/ aqd) that are designed for protection or safeguarding of property (mal)....


The party who provides liquidity to the seeker of liquidity (mutawarriq/ mustawriq) in a tawarruq (Islamic monetization) transaction. In Arabic...


In Islamic finance, muwa'adah, or mutual promising or bilateral promising, refers to a promise which is issued by a counterparty...


Arabic (صيغة) for contractual formula (formula of a contract/ aqd). A formal exchange of offer/proposal (ijab or 'ardh) and acceptance...


An exchange of two counter-values (badalain) such as price for commodity (ba'i), currency for currency (sarf), price for usufruct (ijara),...

Forward Ijara

A type of ijara which involves the sale of a clearly specified underlying asset, which is currently being produced or...

Forward-Dated Ijarah

A type of ijarah which involves the sale of a clearly specified underlying asset, which is currently being produced or...

Sukuk al-Istisna’a

Certificates of equal value (sukuk) that are issued for the purpose of mobilizing funds to be used in the production...

Forward Ijarah

A type of ijarah which involves the sale of a clearly specified underlying asset, which is currently being produced or...