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Perpetual Sukuk

A sukuk issue that does not mature and hence sukuk are treated as equity (huqooq al-mulkiyyah) rather than debt (dayn)....

Tier-1 Sukuk

A classification of sukuk that constitutes part of the first or core layer of a bank's capital (core capital), which,...

Islamic Accepted Bill

A bill of exchange which is drawn on or by a bank, payable at some preset future date, to securitize...

Islamic Call Option

A shar'iah-compliant equivalent to conventional call option. The call option gives the holder the right, without the obligation, to buy...

Islamic Structured Product

A shari'ah compliant investment product that derives its value from one underlying asset or more. It provides the holder (the...

Islamic CDO

A collateralized debt obligation (CDO) that is structured in a way compliant with shari'ah rules and principles. The pool (reference...

Zero-Coupon Non-Tradable Sukuk

A sukuk issue in which the backing assets (i.e., the assets to be mobilized) don’t yet exist or are not...

Either-Or Option

An option (khiyar/ khayar) which entitles the buyer (in a contract of sale, aqd al-ba’i) to proceed with the contract...

Ijarah Sukuk

Ijarah sukuk (singular: ijarah sakk) are certificates of equal value which are issued by the owner of an existing property...

Sale of Usufruct

From the Arabic term "ba'i al-istighlal". According to latter-day Hanafi scholars, it is a type of sale (ba’i) in which...