A category of sukuk that belong to the class of tier-1 equity and are not convertible into the underlying (real)...
A category of sukuk that belong to the class of tier-1 equity and are not convertible into the underlying (real)...
It stands for pass-through entity; a legal business entity that passes all its income on to the owners or investors...
A legal business entity that passes all its income on to the owners or investors of the business. The income...
A financial item that reflects the residual interest in the assets of the institution (e.g., an Islamic bank) after deducting...
A investment instrument that is based on profit and loss sharing, asset-backed transactions, and risk-sharing contracts, and certain types include...
A investment instrument that is based on profit and loss sharing, asset-backed transactions, and risk-sharing contracts, and certain types include...
A form of gift (hadiyyah) that is given by an Islamic financial institution (IFI) to certain customers as a means...
A type of prize (jaizah) that an Islamic financial institution (IFI) awards to its customers, including quasi-equity (QE) holders (e.g.,...
A category of equity (of an entity, e.g., an Islamic financial institution, IFI) that represents subordinated claims on an entity's...