A type of fixed-income security that provides investors with a higher level of protection compared to unsecured debt securities. Such...
The face value (par value) of an investment/ security/ instrument, etc. It is the original/ initial stated amount that is...
The cost of raising or mobilizing funds from the market. It is reflected in the interest amounts paid to providers...
The cost of raising or mobilizing funds from the market. It is reflected in the interest amounts paid to providers...
The cost of raising or mobilizing funds from the market. It is reflected in the interest amounts paid to providers...
The ability of a business (legal person) or an individual (natural person) to meets its long-term obligations (long-term fixed expenses)...
An interbank loan that is extended over a short-term and for an interest rate quoted for overnight lending. It is...
An interbank rate that is a short-term interest rate that is quoted for overnight lending. It is a type of...
It stands for interbank call loan; a type of interbank loan that extended by a bank to another in the...
A type of interbank loan that extended by a bank to another in the same banking system (in the so-called...