A type of interbank loan that extended by a bank to another in the same banking system (in the so-called...
A type of invoice finance in which the business seeking financing keeps control of its customer payments related to outstanding...
A type of finance, particularly short-term borrowing, that is extended by a firm to its customers using unpaid/ outstanding invoices...
In the specific context of factoring, a factor or factoring company is a financing partner that purchases a business' invoices...
In the specific context of factoring, a factor or factoring company is a financing partner that purchases a business' invoices...
A type of invoice finance where a company sells part or all of its outstanding invoices (accounts receivable) to a...
In factoring, the fees charged by the factor (the third party that buys a firm's invoices/ accounts receivable) are limited...
In factoring, the fees charged by the factor (the third party that buys a firm's invoices/ accounts receivable) are limited...
A type of risk that arises from the negative effect of inflation on purchasing power. Inflation is a upward movement...
A type of risk that arises from the negative effect of inflation on purchasing power. Inflation is a upward movement...