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Hybrid Network

A crossing network (CN) that combines firm and negotiated orders in the pool. In other words, it has the features...

Hot Stock

A stock that is issued by a company whose growth rate is appreciably higher than the market average. More specifically,...


An algo (algorithm) that searches for stocks with relatively limited volume and a thin order book that nevertheless can create...


The whole dollar price of a bid or offer. In other words, it represents the first few digits of a...

Hanging Over The Market

A situation in which the price of a security is on, or about to take, a declining trajectory because a...


A manipulative practice in which a trader enters a large sell order or a series of sell orders intending to...


A practice in which a broker pledges the same collateral, initially posted by a client, to a bank to collateralize...

Hemline Theory

The theory that holds that stock prices tend to move in the same direction as the length of hemlines on...

Dark Liquidity Pool

A liquidity pool that offers traders with large orders (sell orders/ buy orders), i.e., block orders, the means to trade...

High Toxicity Pool

A toxic pool which feature very aggressive orders, usually placed by high frequency traders and short-term investors. The level of...