An investment vehicle (pool) that raises capital by selling securities to the public without providing specific details about the intended...
A scanning mechanism (and a form of trading connectivity) that is used to find matches for incoming order flows/ indication...
An contrarian index (a technical investment analysis tool) that simply reverses majority opinion as measured by recommendations of investment advisory...
A recommendation to buy or sell a particular security or product that is issued by a broker/ brokerage firm (or...
An initial public offering (IPO) of a company that has been established for the sole purpose of raising funds and...
An initial public offering (IPO) of a company that has been established for the sole purpose of raising funds and...
An initial public offering (IPO) of a company that has been established for the sole purpose of raising funds and...
A corporate stock that trades for less than eight dollar per share or less (sometimes, it is put at five...
An elongated period within a market cycle during which prices follow an uptrend or an downtrend before peaking out, reversing...
A bull market cycle that spans or falls within a very long upward trend. Such a cycle features the characteristics...