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Liquidity Pool

A source of liquidity that is available for trading inside the transparency and scrutiny of organized exchanges. They operate with...

Holding Company Depositary Receipts

A security that allows investors to buy and sell baskets of individual shares of stock in one transaction. The underlying...


A security that allows investors to buy and sell baskets of individual shares of stock in one transaction. The underlying...

Impact Cost

A component of execution costs; in turn, impact cost consists of two components: bid-ask spread and price concession. It is...

Intra-Day Cross

A crossing network that only crosses block orders (institutional sized blocks, i.e., large institutional orders such as 10,000 shares). Retail...

Block Crossing Network

A crossing network that only crosses block orders (institutional sized blocks, i.e., large institutional orders such as 10,000 shares). Retail...

Broker/Dealer Crossing Network

A crossing network that belongs to a broker/ dealer which also privately operates it. Examples include investment banks, brokerages, universal...

Block Crossing

A crossed trade which involves a large block of shares (institutional block), either on an exchange or through a dark...

Air Pocket Stock

A stock that undergoes a sudden or unexpected fall in price, usually in the wake of negative news such as...

Bear Market

A prolonged period (typically more than 400 days) in which market activity/ prices decline amid widespread pessimism or general negative...