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Difference Between Call Markets and Continuous Markets

Markets follow different trading systems depending on a number of criteria/classifications. One classification differentiates between two types of markets on...

Components of Implementation Shortfall

The implementation shortfall is a measure of the cost of trade implementation. It is a type of friction costs as...

Advantages of VWAP

VWAP (volume-weighted average price) is the ratio of the value of securities traded to the total volume traded over a...

Calculation of Quoted Bid-Ask Spread

The quoted bid-ask spread is the difference between a market maker's (a dealer's) ask and bid price quotes at a...

Delay Cost Calculation

The delay cost results from the inability or lack of action to immediately complete the trade of buying or selling...

Disadvantages of VWAP

VWAP (volume-weighted average price) is the ratio of the value of securities traded to the total volume traded over a...

Quoted Bid-Ask Spread Formula

The quoted bid-ask spread is the difference between a market maker's (a dealer's) ask and bid price quotes at a...

Effective Bid-Ask Spread Formula

The effective bid-ask spread is the difference between the price at which a dealer (or a market maker) buys (sells)...

Call Market vs. Continuous Market

Markets follow different trading systems depending on a number of criteria/ classifications. One classification differentiates between two types of markets...