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Common Stock

A unit of ownership of a publicly held company (public corporation). It is a security issued by an entity representing...

Common Equity

The amount of shareholders' (stockholders') equity that is attributable (or corresponds) to common shares (common stock). Common equity is made...

Common Share

A unit of ownership of a publicly held company (public corporation). It is a security issued by an entity representing...


A preferred stock that has no redemption date. In other words, this fixed-rate equity instrument allows the holder no participation...

Voting Rights

A privilege that is granted to specific stock issues (common shares), entitling the shareholder to participate, along with other shareholders,...

Yankee Common Share

A common share of stock that is issued by foreign firms and sold in the U.S market. For example, a...

Share Option

A contract that confers on the holder the right, but not the obligation, to subscribe to the shares of an...

Ordinary Share Capital

A type of share capital that represents ownership in an entity through the issue of its common shares (ordinary shares)....

Equity Repo

Unlike classic repo transactions where the underlying security is in the form of government or corporate bonds, equity repos are...

Share Capital

The capital contribution by shareholders which reflects the par value of all equity securities, including common shares and preferred stock....