In principle, a cliquet option/ ladder option (ratchet option) is an option (or a warrant, index-linked note) that subjects its...
An exotic cliquet that is subject to a call (call option) with a global strike, where the call has its...
An exotic cliquet that is subject to a call (call option) with a global strike, where the call has its...
One of the multiple component options that form a cliquet. Each cliquette expires at its respective date, with all the...
A cliquet (cliquet option) (an exotic equity derivative) that has additional (exotic) elements and features (as opposed to a vanilla...
One of the multiple component options that form a cliquet. Each cliquetlette expires at its respective date, with all the...
A cliquet (cliquet product) that has only the basic features without any additional (exotic) elements (as opposed to exotic cliquets)....
A cliquet (cliquet product) that has only the basic features without any additional (exotic) elements (as opposed to exotic cliquets)....
A cliquet (cliquet product) that has only the basic features without any additional (exotic) elements (as opposed to exotic cliquets)....
An exotic cliquet contract, specifically a structured bond, which has the Dow Jones EURO STOXX 50 as underlying. It offers...