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Locally-Capped, Globally-Floored Cliquet

An exotic cliquet contract, specifically a structured bond, which has the Dow Jones EURO STOXX 50 as underlying. It offers the holder guaranteed principal redemption in addition to an annual coupon payable on a specific date of each year (the second of December). Mathematically, the coupon is calculated using the following formula:


The MinCoupon is a floored rate of 2%, and each monthly return is given by:

Monthly Return

Where: St is the level of underlying index on a respective monthly reset date. This structure makes the annual return capped at 12% and floored at 2%. The valuation dates fall on the second day of each month. However, the final valuation date for each coupon is November 25.

This structure consists of a simple strip of 1-month at-the-money call spreads (put spreads) plus the minimum annual coupon.

Derivatives have increasingly become very important tools in finance over the last three decades. Many different types of derivatives are now traded actively on ...
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