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Capped Call

A capped option that constitutes a long call position in which a cap is placed on the maximum payout of...

Best-Of Call

A best-of option whose payoff at maturity is equal to whichever is higher of two values: zero or the maximum...

Down-and-In Call

A down-and-in option (literally, a knock-in barrier option) that activates into a call option if the market price of the...

Islamic Call

A shar'iah-compliant equivalent to conventional call option. The call option gives the holder the right, without the obligation, to buy...

Extendible Call

An extendible option that allows the holder, who has the right to buy the underlying asset, to extend the maturity...

Asset-or-Nothing Call

In plain vanilla call options, the option writer has to pay the holder the difference between the market price and...

Call Albatross

An albatross spread that involves only call options. In other words, it is established by buying one in-the-money call, selling...


An exotic option (also called compound option) in which a call option is made on a put option, whereby giving...

Naked Call

An option strategy which is established by taking a short position in an underlying not currently owned by the position...

Call Warrant

A warrant that gives its holder the right, without the obligation, to purchase the underlying asset (security) from the issuer...