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WO Call Option

A worst-of option (WO option) in the form of a call; it is a call on the worst performing stock...

Worst-Of Call Option

A worst-of option in the form of a call; it is a call on the worst performing stock or asset...

European Capped Call

A capped call which is only exercisable at maturity. A capped call, by definition, is a call option modified to...

Reset Call Option

A reset option whose strike price is reset to the prevailing price of its underlying on a predetermined reset date...

ATM Forward Call Option

An at-the-money forward call option is a call with a strike price equal to the forward price of the underlying...

Individually Capped Basket Call

A call option that is based on an underlying basket of stocks whose individual returns at the end of each...

Individually Capped Call

A capped call which allows an investor to have exposure to a basket of stocks (e.g. 10 stocks), all of...

Call Leverage

An option leverage that measures the sensitivity of a call option’s price to changes in the underlying price. In other...

Hard Call Protection

The constrained right of an issuer to redeem a convertible from holders before the passage of a specific period of...

In-The-Money Call

A call option with a strike price being below the net amount of its underlying’s market price minus the premium,...