Another name for a call option, that is, an option contract that gives the holder (the buyer) the right, but...
An index option which gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy upon exercise the value of...
It stands for call or put; an option (or warrant) with an embedded provision giving the purchaser the right to...
An option (or warrant) with an embedded provision giving the purchaser the right to designate it as either a call...
An illegal practice whereby a market participant attempts to repress the price of a financial instrument underlying an option contract,...
AÂ lookback strike option which gives the holder the right to retroactively cash in the contract (the call option) at the...
A synthetic call option that is established by combining a short put and a short stock or futures. Synthetic short...
A synthetic option that is based on a long position in the underlying asset and a long position in a...
A capped option that constitutes a long call position in which a cap is placed on the maximum payout of...
It stands for contingent payment option or contingent premium option; an option contract for which no premium is paid upfront by the buyer...