A deal (transaction) that combines features and elements of both a negotiation and an auction. A negotiauction starts like an...
A shrewd deal maker who skillfully facilitates complicated and usually dishonest political or business arrangements against payment of fees (handsome...
A market strategy (for market positioning) whereby a business firm occupies a very small niche to which no rivals are...
A market strategy (for market positioning) whereby a business firm occupies a very small niche to which no rivals are...
In relation to accounts receivable (A/Rs) financing, it is a method to identify delinquent business accounts. This rule entails that...
In relation to accounts receivable (A/Rs) financing, it is a method to identify delinquent business accounts. This rule entails that...
A situation that results from an undesirable, offensive, or scandalous association. Example: The firm attentively tries to avoid the taint...