A paradoxical set-up in which a person cannot escape or find a way out, but remain to be subject to...
The different types of benefits that are realized from specific measures/ actions taken by an entity as to control and...
The act or process involving a nudge. According to the so-called nudge theory, adaptive designs of the decision environment are...
An aspect of choice architecture that involves an attempt to alter humans' behavior in a predictable way without restricting their...
The process of setting and designing the possible options for decision making with respect to a specific issue or subject-matter....
A person/ an entity that sets and designs the possible options for decision making with respect to a specific issue...
A subset of a larger market, where it (the niche) is characterized by its customers' unique preferences and needs that...
A type of marketing that focuses on directing all marketing efforts towards a well-defined segment of the market (the niche/...
An asset that is not created by a person or an entity, but by the universe's creator (the Almighty). A...
An asset (e.g., a commodity/ an item) that has, or should ultimately have, the same value to all bidders (given...