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Net Basis

The basis amount that results from adjusting the gross basis for net carry. Net carry is the actual coupon income...

Short the Basis

The purchase of futures contracts as a hedge against a short position in futures or options whereby a trader is...

Cash-and-Carry Trade

Going long the basis, or more specifically the purchase of a cash-market investment instrument such as cash bonds or index...

Credit Default Basis

The difference between the synthetic credit risk premium (the price of credit risk quoted in a credit default swap) and the...

CDS Basis

The difference between the synthetic credit risk premium (the price of credit risk quoted in a credit default swap) and the...


A basis point (bps) is 0.01 percentage point and equals $1,000 annually on a contract protecting $10 million of debt...

Basis Point

A basis point (bps) is 0.01 percentage point and equals $1,000 annually on a contract protecting $10 million of debt...

Principal-To-Principal Basis

The parties to a contract (financial or non-financial), ultimately obligated by contractual terms, sign the contract in their own capacity,...

Gross Basis

A methodology which is used by an exchange clearinghouse to calculate the number of outstanding futures contracts in order to...