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Call Money Rate

The short-term interest rate that is charged on a type of loans known as call loans. It is the rate...

Call Rate

The short-term interest rate that is charged on a type of loans known as call loans. It is the rate...

Unsecured Credit

A credit that is not secured by any sort of collateral (security). It includes all types of unsecured/ uncollateralized lending...


A broad term that refers to all types of lending facilities extended by a market participant to another over the...

Systemic Liquidity Risk

The liquidity risk that arises systemwide. This refers to the risk associated with simultaneous liquidity difficulties (stress) being faced by...

Tier-1 Equity

A layer of capital/ equity capital (for a bank or financial institution) that consists of common equity, minority interests, eligible...

Disclosed Reserves

A bank reserve whose information is disclosed in detail to the public or stakeholders. Disclosed reserves are created by a...


The tendency of financial variables to fluctuate, as per a certain pattern or trend, during the economic cycle. A pro-cyclical...


The tendency of financial variables to fluctuate, as per a certain pattern or trend, during the economic cycle. A procyclical...


Loan to value ratio; a ratio that relates the amount borrowed (a loan amount) to the value of the asset...