In relation to autocalls or autocallable products, it is a certain percentage of the underlying’s initial spot as defined at...
An autocall (autocall product) that pays a conditional coupon, in addition to the possibility of an early redemption of capital...
An autocall note that provides pre-defined returns from a host of underlying assets (shares) in a relatively flat or even...
A structured product in which the autocall mechanism determines the amount of payoff (coupons), accumulated and paid on an autocall...
A structured product in which the autocall mechanism determines the amount of payoff (coupons), accumulated and paid on an autocall...
A structured product in which the autocall mechanism is subject to two barriers: one relating to the autocall, itself, and...
A structured product that is linked to an underlying asset with the ability to automatically mature or kick out prior...
An autocall with a single asset as underlying. It is the simplest autocall structure as its performance depends on the...
An equity-linked structured product that allows the investor to potentially profit from the underlying stock performance. To that end, the investor can...